Frequently Asked Questions
What are the carers at Moral Care trained in?
Our carers are trained to the highest standards to ensure all of our service users recieve the highest quality care at all times. All our services are carried out by trained, competent and compassionate staff. Each staff member has to undergo vigerous induction training and regular training updates and tests to constantly assess competency. Our basic training inclues:
- First Aid
- Communication
- Dignity, Equality, Diversity
- Fire Safety
- Food Hygiene
- Health & Safety Awareness
- Infection prevention control
- Medication management
- Mental capacity and DoLS
- Assisting & moving people
- Nutritian & hydration
- Lone work awareness
- Parkinson's Disease
- End of life care
- Dementia care
- Prevention of abuse
- Challenging behaviour
- Identifying Stroke
- Care planning
We encourage all staff in constant career growth and engage in higher education and Health & Social Care qualifications to ensure they are always compliant with legislation and their skills remain at peak level.
Will I lose my freedom?
All service users are in control of their own packages. You are in control of the care you recieve, how you recieve it, your likes, dislikes, preferences.
It is your home and your life and MoralCare will treat it as such. Our job is to help you live independently, just as you would before you had any limitations. If you want to still get up late on Sundays, then we will make sure that is still honoured. If you want to soak in the bath for 30 minutes then that can still happen. We will never rush you to a routine that suits us, you are the focus of the support we give.
Is MoralCare a registered company?
MoralCare is monitored, registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commisson, to ensure we are always meeting and exceeding the minimum requirments for quality care. Moral Care is registered with company house and is a limited company. Our company number can be found at the bottom of our website.
What can carers do to help me?
Our carers can do a range of things to help you remain independent at home so you can enjoy full life fullfillment, without being restrained by care home walls and house rules. We can support you with:
- Cutting finger nails, painting nails, washing/styling hair
- Help with washing/ dressing/ support stockings
- Well being/ welfare checks, reporting and referring to other relevent professionals should you need/want extra help.
- Demetia care
- Medication adminsitration to ensure you recieve the correct medication, at the correct time.
- Domestic assistance such as vacuuming, polishing, bed making, laundrey etc.
- Shopping assistance, we can accompany you on your trips, or can even send our staff with a list if you suffer with anxiety.
- Companionship - all of our staff are wonderful company. All of our carers at Moral Care love what they do.
- Meal preperation & fluid monitoring
- Incontinence care
- Appointment assistance
- Excersise support
- Toilet / commode assistance & cleaning
The list is endless, we're here to be on your side, and keep you happy at home! Nothing is too much hassle for our amazing team.
Would I get the same carers?
Continuity of care is an important focus for us at Moral Care. Its crutial you feel safe in your own home and trust those who are in it.
Our team is small and intimate and you will get to know our usual friendly faces in no time. The carers usually attend the same run on the same days, meaning you will have the same small group of faces to care for you and get to know.
Will my carers always turn up?
Moral Care will never let you down. All of our service users recieve an out of hours card, we encourage you to ring the number and alert the office/on call if your carer hasnt arrived after 30 minutes of your time slot. Another carer (or even the registered manager) will make their way to you straight away to ensure your needs will always be met, no matter what. (though we haven't missed a visit yet!)
Can I change my package, such as visit times?
All service users (or people legally obliged to act on their behalf) can change times to their preference. For example, if you wish to recieve your morning visit at 8am Monday to Friday and wish to get up at 10am on weekends we will always do our best to accomodate this. We cannot guarantee exact times due to traffic and other service user times - but we will always endevour your times are met as closely as we possibly can and never change it without your say so.
Are all the staff DBS checked?
All of our staff are obliged to have a full DBS check before commencing any unsupervised work, which includes checking the police criminal database and other criminal registers. Along side this, we have a strict process which scrutinises our carers characters, intentions, skills and suitability with a thorough induction process and support programme. We pride ourselves on building a care team you can whole heartedly trust and depend on.
How do I arrange care for myself or a family member?
Just send us an email at [email protected] or give us a call. Our registered manager will come and visit you to put a care package in place, or even just to have a chat about what we can offer you and how we can support you.
We are always happy to visit with no strings attached. You can meet us before any care commences, so you can be confident you are cared for by good hands.
Will I need to get rid of my pets?
We conduct risk assessments to ensure you and our staff are safe. As long as your pet is not at high risk of causing injury or harm to our carers, then your furry friend wont affect your care what so ever. In fact, most of our team are big animal lovers and can help you walk, feed and water your pet, after all, keeping your pet is good for your mental health and make great companions when we're not around!
Is there anything carer's are not allowed to do?
If you have anything on your mind, please just give us a call and we can discuss any of your questions. However, here are some examples of things our carers are unfortunately not able to do:
- Cut toe nails
- Care for others in the house-hold that are not in the plan (for example, we can care for you and your spouse - but you both must be included in the plan of care.) This is to ensure we allocate enough time to our visits so we can meet both of your needs.
- Drive service users using personal vehicles (we can accompany in taxi's and public transport.)
Will my key code be kept confidential and safe?
The code to your keysafe will never be shared with anyone you do not authorise the sharing to. Our care staff will ensure they do not input the code if they are being watched and will not allow access to anyone to your property. Your code is never written down with your name or address to ensure confidentiality is always upheld. We advise you change your keycode every year, to ensure security is always kept to a maximum level and you are completely safe.