Meal Support Services in Your Own Home

How do we support people with meals at home?
Our aim is for our service users to enjoy their food, whatever their dietry need is. Our trained team of carers can:
- Cook meals and prepare food
- Present meals that are visually appetising
- Cut up food
- Serve meals
- Administer food supplements (such as furtihuice, foritsip, calogen shots, complan shakes etc)
- Promt eating and drinking
- Active eating support (Spoon to mouth assistance)
- Monitor cupboards for out-of-date food
- Monitor food intake
- Work closely with dieticians and nutritionists to follow a plan.
This service is great for people who have memory loss and forget to eat, or for people with physical restrictions (for example can't stand up for long to cook or can carry plates to a table), people with poor vision that can't read labels or follow recipes.
Would you like to know more about Moral Cares Meal Support Services in your own home?