Bathing Support Services

How do we support people with bathing care at home?
Each person's routine is unique to them. We work with you to establish what you are most comfortable with. For example, would you like the carer to leave whilst you wash your lower half, would you like the carer to help wash your hair every Thursday, would you like daily showers, or would you like a bath once a week and a sink wash every other day?
You are in control, we will support you with your choices. Do you like bubbles? Do you like the cream on your legs to soak in for a little bit before we pull your trousers up? All these little things make a huge difference.
We provide continuity of carer so service users can feel comfortable and at ease with the bathing process, be it a sink wash, bed bath, shower, or a good long soak in the tub.
Would you like to know more about bathing services in your own home?